Wordle is a free, online tool that generates word clouds based on text inputted by the user. This may seem like an obscure recommendation for a job seeker, but it can be immensely helpful in determining key words from a job description. It’s also a great way to visually see which keywords are most prevalent in your own resume (or cover letter).

In some cases, employers are using an electronic applicant tracking tool to determine which candidates are a good fit for their openings. If they are relying on keywords only, you can set yourself up to do better than a candidate who doesn’t do this type of analysis.

If you can cut and paste, you can use Wordle. It is an extremely simple tool to use. Once your content is pasted into the create screen, the tool analyzes the words contained in the text and creates a word cloud. The actual format of the word cloud is randomized, so it’s best to make a few changes once the cloud is created:

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