So you’ve cleaned your closet, maybe your inbox, and you’re feeling pretty good about your spring cleaning. But before you wash your hands and congratulate yourself — pull out your resume, and take a look at it (whether or not you’re looking for a job right now).

You see, your resume is a lot like a closet. At least once a year, it needs a good cleaning. That includes taking a look at what you’ve got and determining what to keep, what to get rid of, and what to emphasize. Then, after all the unwanted items are cleaned out, you can add in new information to create a resume that’s current, relevant, and appealing. Just like your closet, if you don’t clean and update it regularly, it’s only going to be worse later.

And just like the rest of your spring cleaning, taking the project step-by-step makes it so much easier. Follow these three simple guidelines, and you’ll have a resume that’s refreshed and ready to go for spring.

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