Q: I sent in my résumé and cover letter for a marketing position for which I am well-qualified. I got an initial call asking for a few more details, and the HR representative seemed positive and said that she would be in touch soon. Now it has been a week and a half and I still haven’t heard anything. When I go on the company website, the position is still listed as unfilled.
What should I do? I don’t want to be a bother, but I also don’t want to sit back and miss out on the opportunity. One problem is that I didn’t get the woman’s name who called me, and I don’t have any contacts at the company. Should I call? Send an email? Stop by the office?
– San Francisco, CA
A: It’s understandable that you don’t want to be a bother, but you also don’t want to be invisible. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. So now’s your time to squeak!
In this job market, companies are receiving thousands of applications for positions that might have garnered only a couple dozen applications a few years ago, so you’ll almost certainly miss out if you don’t follow up.
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