12 Tasks That Killer Employees Always Finish Before Noon

A recent study published in an American Psychological Association journal, Emotion, suggests that early birds are generally happier than night owls.

More than 700 respondents, ranging from ages 17 to 79, were surveyed and asked about their emotional state, health, and preferred time of day.

Self-professed “morning people” reported feeling happier and healthier than night owls. Researchers hypothesize that one of the reasons could be because society caters to a morning person’s schedule.

Amazon Infographic

Happy Friday! Interested in the world of data visualization and infographics? Then check out this great infographic created by a team of designers and researchers about Amazon’s size and growth!


The Surprisingly Smart Strategy Behind London’s Infamous Olympic Branding

Say what you will about London’s Olympic logo–and many people have said, and are still saying, many, many things–it is nothing if not memorable. International branding consultancy Wolff Olins was no stranger to Olympic identities, having created the mark for the 2004 games in Athens. In 2006, the firm won the London logo and branding bid with their power-to-the-people style pitch, which focused on social and cultural aspects of the games and beyond in an attempt to broaden the event’s reach and appeal. When the famously staccato symbol was unveiled almost six years ago, however, the response was resoundingly critical.

Why was the world, design and otherwise, so worked up? Chairman Brian Boylan and Ije Nwokorie, managing director at Wolff Olins London, talked with Co.Design about embracing the inherent dissonance of the host city, and the strategy behind their effort.

Read the rest on fastcodesign.com!

A Wall Street Trader Received This Hilariously Unprofessional Rainbow-Colored Cover Letter

It’s a slow news day, so seeing this is a huge thrill…

A financial industry tipster was kind enough to oblige by sending us this e-mail from an aspiring trader.

If you read from the bottom up, you’ll note that Carl asks prospective trader Matthew why he wants to be a trader — could he add a little color about what he’s passionate about, he asks.

Matthew obliges, and we’re pretty sure “please explain your rationale for the rainbow” is an instant classic.

See below (remember, read from the bottom):

10 Smart Things I’ve Learned from People Who Never Went to College

1. You can learn something useful from anyone.

Whenever we find ourselves ignoring someone because we’ve already determined that they aren’t “smart” enough to say something meaningful, we’ve made a big mistake. Besides being presumptuous and arrogant, this mindset blocks out every useful thing the other person might pass along. Instead of just listening and mining the conversation for nuggets of wisdom, we allow our pre-existing bias to brand everything as “not smart enough for me.” Incredibly bad idea. I’ve yet to meet someone who couldn’t teach me something.

2. If quality slips, it really doesn’t matter how good your ideas were.

This one I learned from a couple of my uncles who worked as quality control specialists on assembly lines. The most ingenious design plans, no matter how many brains contributed to them, can fatally falter in the execution phase if quality slips. This is equally true for intangible plans. Imparting greatness requires a continuum of effort and attention, not just an initial brain-fueled flurry to get exemplary ideas on paper.

Read the rest on forbes.com!

5 Reasons Why You Never Hear Back After Applying For A Job

People often wonder why they never hear anything back after they hit ‘send’ on the email with a resume attached or on the on-line job application. If you’re very lucky, you might have a preliminary email exchange with a recruiter and then never hear from them again.

It’s a depressing experience, and one which also casts a shadow on the hiring company’s reputation. So why does it happen? Is it you, is it them, or is it just something every candidate must prepare for in the hiring process?

There’s no question job seekers face an uphill climb. High unemployment nationally means more competition for every position; according to a January 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal, Starbucks “… attracted 7.6 million job applicants over the past 12 months for about 65,000 corporate and retail job openings…”

Read more on glassdoor.com!

3 Interview Questions That Reveal Everything

Interviewing job candidates is tough, especially because some candidates are a lot better at interviewing than they are at working.

To get the core info you need about the candidates you interview, here’s a simple but incredibly effective interview technique I learned from John Younger, the CEO of Accolo, a cloud recruiting solutions provider. (If you think you’ve conducted a lot of interviews, think again: Younger has interviewed thousands of people.)

Here’s how it works. Just start from the beginning of the candidate’s work history and work your way through each subsequent job. Move quickly, and don’t ask for detail. And don’t ask follow-up questions, at least not yet.

Read the rest on inc.com!

Get a Job: The Craigslist Experiment

Like so many other job-hunters, writer Eric K. Auld used Craigslist as a resource. Curious to know what he was up against and to gain a better understanding of the employment landscape, Eric posted a false job listing. In a day, he’d received more than 650 responses.

I am a 26-year-old with a Master’s degree in English. I am currently looking for a full-time job, preferably in a major city, since that’s where a vast multitude of jobs exist. Unfortunately, so do an even vaster multitude of job-seekers.

Why would I ever want a full-time job, you may ask? Because I am currently an Adjunct Lecturer in English, which means part-time employment, which means a limited amount of classes per semester, which means no steady work during summer or winter breaks, which means no health benefits and barely enough money to pay rent, utilities, car insurance, student loans, etc.

Read the rest on lifehacker.com!

Commentary: Giving to get ahead

Last week’s cover story in Capital Business described how nonprofits are acting more like corporations. Interestingly, there’s a flip side to that trend: corporations that are acting more like nonprofits.

In the parlance of the business world, this is known as corporate social responsibility, or CSR. The practice differs from traditional corporate philanthropy in that it does not merely involve donating money, time or other resources to a worthy cause or causes. Instead, CSR seeks to align a company’s business mission and practices to the larger interests of society.

Any savvy business executive will tell you that CSR is increasingly becoming a contemporary business imperative. Why? Americans are demanding more and more out of the companies they patronize and even work for.

Read the rest here!

Here’s How Long You Should Wait Before Following Up On Your Job Application

Job seekers often struggle to figure out when they should follow up with an employer after applying for a job, or whether they should follow up at all. Here’s some guidance on how you can follow up appropriately at each stage of the hiring process.

After you submit your application. Like it or not, after you submit your application, the ball is in the employer’s court. They might not even be reviewing applications for a few weeks, or they might have hundreds to sift through. So this stage of the game is about being patient.

Job seekers are sometimes advised that they should call at this stage to “check on their application” or to try to schedule an interview. But most employers don’t respond well to this, viewing it as overly aggressive and, yes, annoying. After all, you’re not the only person applying for the job; multiply your phone call by 200 to 300 applicants, and you’ll see why employers are annoyed.


Who’s the Boss? There Isn’t One

Like many tech companies, Valve Corp., a videogame maker in Bellevue, Wash., boasts high-end espresso, free massages and laundry service at its offices.

One thing it doesn’t have: bosses

Valve, whose website says the company has been “boss free” since its founding in 1996, also has no managers or assigned projects. Instead, its 300 employees recruit colleagues to work on projects they think are worthwhile. The company prizes mobility so much that workers’ desks are mounted on wheels, allowing them to scoot around to form work areas as they choose.

Welcome to the bossless company, where the hierarchy is flat, pay is often determined by peers, and the workday is directed by employees themselves.

Read the rest on http://online.wsj.com

Facebook Jobs Could Kill LinkedIn’s Momentum

Facebook is apparently working on a job postings board that it will launch later this summer, according to a report by the WSJ. “Facebook Jobs” will be an aggregator which pulls in job postings by third party providers and makes them available in one place, and creates a searchable database of jobs for users to browse.

Facebook could also use the tons of social data it has on each user to target relevant jobs across its vast network of users, and it could provide an excellent recruiting solution to corporate clients and placement agencies, which will compete directly with LinkedIn.

Read the rest on forbes.com!

How to Nail Your Follow Up Interview

You nailed your first job interview and they’ve asked you to come for another. It’s a great feeling, but at the same time, it also means you have to go through that whole process again. Here’s how to nail that second interview and bring something new to the table.

The second job interview is typically all about getting to know you on both a personal and professional level. When you’re interviewed, your prospective employer wants to know if you can handle the details of the job, and if you’re going to fit in with the company in general. That’s really it. The second interview might be more relaxed and conversational, or more hectic with a full panel of people talking to you. Either way, your preparation and composure are the same.

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Job Descriptions and the “Experience-Needed” Syndrome

Globally, one in three employers struggle to find employees with the skills and experience necessary to meet their needs, and almost one-third cite a lack of experience as a key barrier to filling their open jobs.

Despite the serious shortage of some skills, the disconnect between employers and job seekers is not surprising given how many job descriptions fall victim to the “experience-needed syndrome.” This ailment manifests itself in two ways. In one, job descriptions for entry-level positions ask for experience, which shuts out many young workers. In the other, seasoned workers find the “experience-needed syndrome” becomes the “exact experience needed syndrome.”

As companies struggle to be as productive with fewer workers, they’ve gotten creative about sharing workloads by combining parts of jobs or even whole jobs into one big new job description. This leaves candidates perplexed, trying to decipher what’s needed and determine if they meet the requirements. One job seeker told me that the write-ups are so specific that she would not be surprised to see one read “must have blue hair and hazel eyes”! (Illegal of course, but illustrative.) Those who do have the skills to cover broad, catchall expectations can choose what work they are willing to do (if they can find it). Those who have fewer skills may not be so lucky. A poorly worded posting can cost an employer the best candidates. With job descriptions and skills changing at breakneck speed, here are few ideas for employers and job seekers to understand each other:

Read the full article on blogs.hbr.org!

Measuring An Employee’s Worth? Consider Influence

The performance review of the future will include services like Salesforce.com’s Chatter and its Influencers feature, which measures how much weight you carry among your peers.

Today, your performance review is based on things like sales numbers or number of goals met. Tomorrow, though, it could be based on something that until now has remained ephemeral: organizational influence.

Salesforce.com’s Chatter system released a new feature this spring called Influencer. It purports to measure how influential you are within your company, by tabulating, for example, how your fellow workers respond to the items you post to your corporate social network.

It’s still a work in progress, senior director of Chatter product marketing Dave King tells Fast Company. But already companies are using it to help them run more smoothly.

Read the full article on fastcompany.com!

Culture: Don’t Copy – Create

I read an interesting piece here on Forbes this morning entitled “If You Want to Build a Great Team, Hire Apple Employees.” Really? If only the complexity of talent issues were as simple as raiding the employee ranks of Apple…While the author made some great points about outcomes produced by the discipline and rigor of the hiring process at Apple, making the assumption hiring Apple employees could universally solve the talent woes of other organizations is wishful thinking at best.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Here’s the thing – just because someone has succeeded at Apple doesn’t mean they’ll realize the same success in other endeavors. Likewise, just because someone has failed in a previous position doesn’t mean they might not end-up being a top performer in another company. Sure, Apple has some great talent, but it’s talent identified, recruited, hired, and developed for the vision and culture at Apple, which may not be at all compatible with those of a different organization.

Read the full article on forbes.com!

Eight Ways Goofing Off Can Make You More Productive

One of my colleagues used to head to the men’s room and brush his teeth every time he felt a surge of writer’s block. He swears it did the trick. Another exits the building and walks around the block to clear his head. I like to take advantage of the mid-day yoga sessions that Forbes offers in the gym on the ninth floor. When I return to my desk, my body is relaxed, my mind is clear, and I attack my work with new energy.

A growing body of research suggests that the longer you keep your rear end in your chair and your eyes glued to your screen, the less productive your may be. Getting up from your desk and moving not only heightens your powers of concentration, it enhances your health.

Read the rest on forbes.com!

Ask At Work: When HR Doesn’t Get Back to You

Q: I sent in my résumé and cover letter for a marketing position for which I am well-qualified. I got an initial call asking for a few more details, and the HR representative seemed positive and said that she would be in touch soon. Now it has been a week and a half and I still haven’t heard anything. When I go on the company website, the position is still listed as unfilled.

What should I do? I don’t want to be a bother, but I also don’t want to sit back and miss out on the opportunity. One problem is that I didn’t get the woman’s name who called me, and I don’t have any contacts at the company. Should I call? Send an email? Stop by the office? 

– San Francisco, CA

A: It’s understandable that you don’t want to be a bother, but you also don’t want to be invisible. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. So now’s your time to squeak!

In this job market, companies are receiving thousands of applications for positions that might have garnered only a couple dozen applications a few years ago, so you’ll almost certainly miss out if you don’t follow up.

Read the rest on http://blogs.wsj.com!

Design Contest in Seattle!

Ratio Interactive is sponsoring a design competition for Windows 8 Metro style apps. Ratio has been designing and developing applications for the next generation platform and we want to see what you would create to push the boundaries of the Metro design language. To do so Ratio is offering a contest, to encourage people to design Metro Apps for the Win 8 platform and giving away $10,000 for the top 3 designs. The event will begin after the Microsoft Win 8 virtual UX training.

Registration is open until June 30th, with final designs delivered by July 30th. The Winners will be selected by August 15th, 2012.

To be contest eligible, all participants must register to attend the online Windows 8 Virtual UX Training.

Contest URL:

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