Quote of the Day

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.”

~Carlton Fisk

Too Little Sleep: The New Performance Killer

As we all work longer and longer hours, take less vacation and work through the weekend, we may assume we’re being heroic, or virtuous. The truth is we’re not; new research shows we’re stupid. Quite literally.

Missing just one night’s sleep has a noticeable impact on the brain’s ability to function as Dardo Tomasi and his colleagues at the Brookhaven National Laboratory discovered when they took 14 healthy, non-smoking right-handed men and made half of them stay awake through the night. In the morning, both rested and groggy subjects were put through a serious of tests that involved tracking ten balls on a screen. As they completed the tests, an MRI scanner took pictures of their brains, to see how the rested brain differed from the one that was deprived of sleep. They found that the sleepier the subjects, the lower their accuracy in the tests.

Read the full article here! (via bnet.com)

How Brands Can Make the Most of Facebook’s New Pages

The new Facebook Pages are finally here, but what does it mean for brands that have struggled to make Pages a business tool on a personal network?

The first thing you’ll notice is that Facebook Pages are once again made to look like Facebook Profiles. You have little differentiation anymore between the publicly viewable, often more commercial page, and an individual’s private profile. This lack of distinction from an interface standpoint can be confusing to consumers.

Below is a breakdown of the changes in the order that Facebook presents them in their new Page tour.

Check out the full article here! (via mashable.com)

Quote of the Day

“The secret of all effective originality in advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.”

~ Leo Burnett

Things to Remember Before Launching a Website

Effective web-browsing experiences are absolutely necessary in this climate of competitive business and advancing technology. Finding a niche, making a good first impression and staying fresh are among the website owner’s goals. Maybe you’ve got a great concept, selected the perfect designer, brainstormed about design ideas, made decisions and worked hard to get great images and content onto a website.

Read the full article here! (via instantshift.com)

Enhancing Productivity By Communicating Effectively

Untold hours of productivity are lost every month due to simple misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. For some reason, many people seem to have a tough time organizing their thoughts and communicating their desires to their co-workers and employees.

I’m constantly amazed at the number of people who seem to have forgotten the basics of composing a written thought. Even some college grads have no grasp on how to speak/write in a way that moves a project forward.

If you are looking for a way to increase productivity and decrease stress, learning to communicate effectively can be the first step towards smoother workflows, faster turnaround times, and fatter bottom lines. Here are a handful of tips that will get you started.

Read the full article here! (via lifehack.org)

Quote of the Day

“Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

~John Wooden

Chicago Event Tomorrow – AIGA – Friday Night Speaker Series

Friday, February 11, 2011 – Free Event

BILL ROSEN, Chicago Portfolio School

Bill oversees the entire Arc organization and is responsible for leading the evolution of the company’s strategy. As chief creative officer, Rosen is responsible for the creative product across all Arc disciplines-digital, direct, promotion and retail marketing. He oversees creative development, planning and execution for clients including McDonald’s, P&G, Coca-Cola, United Airlines, Nestle Purina, Whirlpool and MillerCoors. Join us for a presentation of Arc’s stellar work across all digital platforms.

Seattle Event Tonight- AIGA Shmooze on the Eastside

Thursday, February 10, 2011 – Stop by and make connections with other Eastside designers (of all kinds) at our casual get-togethers. We’ll swap ideas, vent about impossible deadlines, share inspiration, and have a laugh. This time we’ll meet at Lot N° 3 in Bellevue Towers. Enjoy their great menu, espresso, or something stronger to drink — with people who get what design is about.

Employment Background Checks: What They’re Really Looking For

Great article on the reality of background checks, it’s worth checking out!

I have heard rumors that employers somehow snag your IP address from emails and can use that to track online activities. I have also heard that Goggle, for a small fee, will disclose any information they have on your online presence, however the sources of my information are vague. I don’t know what is true nor how I should protect my identity. I do blog anonymously–no name, different email address. It is a blog that would likely cause an employer some concern since it discusses health issues. My Facebook is innocuous and under my maiden name, which is not used for job applications.What capabilities do employers really have to investigate online activities of potential employees?

Read the response here! (via www.bnet.com)

Quote of the Day

“Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art.”

~Susan Sontag

Tough Interview Questions: Misjudging a Colleague

(hollaforthatdolla.com) – Today’s question comes from an active job seeker who was recently asked a difficult but very clever question while on the hunt: I was recently asked in an interview to desribe an instance where I had misjudged a colleague. Can you provide any advice on how to answer this question without falling into an “interview trap?”

 I think this is a great interview question and kudos to the interviewer who posed it. Some might feel that this is a question that will fail to elicit any useful information but the exact opposite is true in my opinion – a question like this provides insight into how an individual sees flaws in their own charatcer and how they look to rectify that.

 Read the full article here!

Quote of the Day

“Inspiration grows into full-scale creation through persistence and imagination.”

~ Carol Lloyd

45 More Creative and Interesting Business Cards For Your Inspiration

Traditionally business cards were simple black text on white stock.  Today that has drastically changed. It is clear that the more creative, unique and interesting your business card is, the more it will set you apart from the competition and give you the edge you need to succeed. Whether you like letterpress, see thru, illustrated or just plain wacky business cards, there is something for everyone in this list.

Today, lets take a look at 45 More Creative and Interesting Business Cards For Your Inspiration

See the list here! (via www.designtutorials4u.com)

Why Designers Should Learn How to Code

There’s a never-ending debate about whether web designers should be able to code. Web designers who can’t code their own designs still exist. When the web first took off, the designation “web designer” was limited in scope. Technological developments led to an ever-growing demand for web designers, and now the field is open to unlimited possibilities for specialization.

If you are talented with graphics yet clueless when it comes to coding and the back end, then you will most likely be the first who a firm that is tight on budget lets go. Does splitting your share with another coder make sense as a freelancer? It’s simple: the more skilled you are, the more valuable you will be.

Read the full article here! (via instantshift.com)

Quote of the Day

“Creativity is an advertising agency’s most valuable asset, because it is the rarest.”

~Jef I. Richards

How to Write a Resume: 6 Steps to Take Before You Write

There is a lot of advice out there about how long a resume should be (depends on the job), whether you should mention short term jobs (depends on the job) and if you should proofread and use spell check (yes).  But before you can sort out what to include and begin to write your resume,  you have to assemble a complete picture of everything you’ve done, all your accomplishments, skills and experiences.

Read the full article here! (via Suzanne Lucas on bnet.com)

Are We In or Outside of the Box? Who Put us There?

Check out this great article, written by one of our talented candidates in Seattle!

(Susan Straub-Martin on biznik.com) – We give away our knowledge, and we just assume that everyone knows everything we know. STOP! You have worked hard, gone to school, learned from every job you ever had, and you assume that EVERYONE knows what you know. WRONG!

Read the full article here!

Quote of the Day

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”

~ Albert Einstein

How’s Your HTML5? App Skills in Demand

Times are good for Web- and mobile-application developers.

The number of online listings containing the keywords “HTML5,” “Mobile app,” and “Android,” have skyrocketed over the past year, making them the fastest growing keywords in jobs posted online, according to data tracked by jobs search engine Indeed.com.

The number of job listings requesting HTML5, the latest version of the language used to display Web pages, increased 13-fold between the first and fourth quarters of last year, according to Indeed. “Twitter” and “jQuery,” which is used in JavaScript programming, rounded out the top five fastest growing keywords.

Read the full article here! (via yahoo.com)

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