Surviving a Conference Call

How to Stop the Rambling, Multitasking and Zoning Out

The conference call is one of the most familiar rituals of office life—and one of the most hated.

Abuses are rife. People on the line interrupt others, zone out or multitask, forgetting to hit “mute” while talking to kids or slurping drinks.

Sales executive Erica Pearce has seen teleconferences interrupted by home FedEx deliveries, crying children and the sound of a co-worker vacuuming his house. “Nobody could hear,” she says of the cleaning. As leader of the meeting, she said into the phone, “If you’re vacuuming, I appreciate that, and you’re welcome to come to my house afterward. But you need to be on mute.”

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Surviving a Conference Call

How to Stop the Rambling, Multitasking and Zoning Out

The conference call is one of the most familiar rituals of office life—and one of the most hated.
Abuses are rife. People on the line interrupt others, zone out or multitask, forgetting to hit “mute” while talking to kids or slurping drinks.

Sales executive Erica Pearce has seen teleconferences interrupted by home FedEx deliveries, crying children and the sound of a co-worker vacuuming his house. “Nobody could hear,” she says of the cleaning. As leader of the meeting, she said into the phone, “If you’re vacuuming, I appreciate that, and you’re welcome to come to my house afterward. But you need to be on mute.”

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10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From

Like flowers in early spring, new social media job openings are sprouting across industries as companies of all sizes look to create or expand their social squads.

The undeniable success and innovation of high-profile social media campaigns — from such brands as Old Spice, Google Chrome and Starbucks — have inspired this ongoing push for companies to hire people with social media skills.

If you’re seeking a gig as a community manager, public relations representative, marketing person or any other social media position, check out these resumes for inspiration on how to stand out from the crowd. Also, let us know in the comments about any creative tactics you use to promote yourself and your skills.

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10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From

Like flowers in early spring, new social media job openings are sprouting across industries as companies of all sizes look to create or expand their social squads.

The undeniable success and innovation of high-profile social media campaigns — from such brands as Old Spice, Google Chrome and Starbucks — have inspired this ongoing push for companies to hire people with social media skills.

If you’re seeking a gig as a community manager, public relations representative, marketing person or any other social media position, check out these resumes for inspiration on how to stand out from the crowd. Also, let us know in the comments about any creative tactics you use to promote yourself and your skills.

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LinkedIn Shows You Who Visits Your Profile — and Then Some

LinkedIn updated the “who’s viewed your profile” section of its platform on Monday, adding personalized tips for how users can generate more profile views.

The new layout includes more detailed analytics about which LinkedIn members visit your profile page. Now users will be able to see which industries their viewers work in, and whether or not those who view their profile share the same job title.

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Seattle team volunteering at Food Lifeline

Our Seattle smartdept. inc. team is partnering with Food Lifeline to donate our time and fundraise this year.  We’ll be making blog updates to share our experience throughout the year and look forward to supporting our local community fight hunger!

12 Most Creative Interview Techniques

With high unemployment levels and a paucity of jobs, employers often have to pick among a large number of talented applicants when trying to fill a position. Increasingly, in order to differentiate between numerous qualified candidates, these employers are putting added emphasis on the interview component and using that interview time to assess a person’s personality as well as their experiences.

Specifically, they are more and more often putting interviewees through unconventional questions or activities that seek to test how someone thinks, socializes, and acts on their feet. Here are the 12 most innovative, unconventional, and creative interview techniques:

1. Take all applicants out for a meal at a restaurant

An employer will often tell candidates to meet him at a restaurant instead of in a conference room. Sometimes this meal will quickly devolve into a standard interview; other times, however, this unconventional approach puts a considerable emphasis on courtesy and table manners.

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The 12 Best Free Photoshop Plugins for Designers

While Adobe Photoshop is a powerful, creative platform, using plugins can help to extend its capabilities and use it to its full potential. Using an add-on can help you perform tedious or difficult tasks in a more efficient manner, enabling you to spend more time on design.

There are thousands of plugins to choose from, but many are outdated and no longer work with updated versions of Photoshop. We’ve collected the best free plugins you can download, install and start using right away.

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Our Seattle Office Crash!

This past holiday season we had the chance to celebrate the holidays in unique fashion. Four members of our staff traveled from Chicago to Seattle and once again, we were accompanied by our good friend Darbie McCollian from Restore Decor. Darbie and I arrived in Seattle one day ahead of the group, grabbed a truck and started shopping. The following day, while the rest of our Chicago guests arrived, Darbie and I started “Office Crash Seattle”.

Redecorating an office from across the country is a difficult proposition. It requires planning, cooperation and good luck. Since it was nearly impossible to keep it a secret, we let our Seattle crew in on the job and benefitted when Meghann Kern volunteered her husband Steve to help us with the crash. We worked from sun up to sun down with the goal of having a newly decorated office ready to kick off our holiday party that night. It was truly a team effort with furniture being built, curtains being hung, canvases being stretched and pillows being fluffed. In the end we met our goal, celebrated the season and took Steve to see Pearl Jam at the Key Arena for his efforts.

On January 14, 2014, smartdept. inc. will celebrate 12 years as a creative staffing resource, an achievement that most would be proud to boast of. But as I think back on what we’ve all accomplished as a group, I can’t help but remember the faces on our Seattle crew as they walked in to see their new digs. Having the ability to make people happy is what I am most proud of. Please have a look at the finished Seattle office Crash.

Eric Pairitz

Principal at smartdept. inc.

Interesting article on brainstorming!

The myth of the brainstorming session

Over dinner a couple months ago, one of my friends said he needed some help coming up with a name for a new website.

He told me a bit about the site and asked if I could help think of something over dinner. He also asked my other friends to join in so we could get a whole bunch of ideas on the table and choose the best one.

From my experience working at an agency, as a designer, and at ooomf, coming up with ideas from a single brainstorming session like this one is usually not the most effective way. Many people I’ve come across, including the most creative ones, need individual time to let ideas marinate before the best concept reveals itself (even if it’s something that seems as simple as naming a website).

I encouraged my friend to take some time to do the same — to play with his concept a bit more before bringing it to anyone for more input.

After this experience, I wondered why the group brainstorming session is often the default choice when we’re pressed to find that perfect idea?

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The Triangle of Happiness Calculates How Happy You Are With Your Job

Most of us know if we’re happy or unhappy at work, but if you’d like a more precise calculation of your job satisfaction, take this quiz called the Triangle of Happiness.

It’s called that because three factors tend to influence our job satisfaction the most: how much we make, what we do, and who we work with. Rate each of these factors on a scale of 1 to 4 and get a score. You can add additional advanced factors such as flexible working options, how much personal time you have, and your work location. In addition, you can change the weight of each factor to mark the ones that matter most to you.

So, for example, with all three factors weighed equally, if you have money rated at a low of one but people and work rated a high of four, your job satisfaction rating is still pretty good, at 66.67%. If money matters more to you though (and you change the weight in the calculator), you’ll only be floating along at 53.33%—fluctuating between kind of happy and not really happy.

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A Better Way to Group Brainstorm

Over dinner a couple months ago, one of my friends said he needed some help coming up with a name for a new website. He told me a bit about the site and asked if I could help think of something over dinner. He also asked my other friends to join in so we could get a whole bunch of ideas on the table and choose the best one.

From my experience working at an agency, as a designer, and at [my company] ooomf, coming up with ideas from a single brainstorming session like this one is usually not the most effective way. Many people I’ve come across, including the most creative ones, need individual time to let ideas marinate before the best concept reveals itself (even if it’s something that seems as simple as naming a website).

I encouraged my friend to take some time to do the same — to play with his concept a bit more before bringing it to anyone for more input. After this experience, I wondered why the group brainstorming session is often the default choice when we’re pressed to find that perfect idea.

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60 Plus Tools for Today’s Innovator

Almost everyone wants to be known as innovative, to be an innovator. Companies and individuals seek to demonstrate that they are capable of “out of the box” thinking, as the saying goes.

I have recently worked on some projects around innovation for companies like Verizon and Qualcomm and it got me to thinking – what about innovation tools to help my fellow small business owners to brainstorm, to create new products, to get rid of the innovation cramp and get the ideas flowing?

Below are 60 plus innovation tools and sites that today’s innovators should check out.

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How You Succeed At Every Job Interview!

I´ve been intending to write today´s blog article for a long time. One reason being that over the years I´ve seen many candidates who have been very good in job interviews and who got the job they applied for. At the same time, I´ve also met and interviewed multiple people who did not make it, i.e. who did not get the job at the end.

A second reason is that I´ve arrived at the conclusion, that those who did not get the job might not have necessarily been less capable of fulfilling the role than the ones who got it. Often, they were just not able to communicate or to deliver what was expected from them in the crucial moments of the interviews. Why?

Below I´ve listed 11 interview principles in order to be successful at your next job interview and to get the job. Some of them you know. Some of them you might have forgotten about. And others, you might not have considered yet.

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10 Words to Avoid on Your Resume

You are a person that still needs a resume to get a job in today’s world of networking and making contacts. We don’t believe that you’re fresh out of university, or high school, but maybe you are looking to switch positions, from one industry to another. Anyway, a resume is essential as a presentation of your work and yourself and you need it to be well written. Some people would hire a person to do it for them and present them as they are, but only say it better. Even so, if you are writing your own resume, or you’re having it written for you- you must make sure that these words don’t appear.

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15 Business Etiquette Rules Every Professional Needs to Know

Professional social situations can be awkward.

The rules are slightly different from standard social settings, yet business schools rarely discuss professional etiquette topics.

In her new book “The Essentials Of Business Etiquette,” Barbara Pachter writes about the specific skills professionals need to understand when presenting themselves in a business setting.

From how to introduce yourself to what to order at restaurants, these are the social rules you need to know when establishing relationships.

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12 Ways to Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

You filled out the job application, updated your resume and clicked “Submit.” But as the days or weeks pass, you never receive a phone call or email from the employer. What happened?

Unbeknownst to many job seekers, a whopping 72% of resumes are never seen by human eyes. Why? Well, employers large and small now use applicant tracking software to parse the information from your resume and map it into a database called an ATS (applicant tracking system). From this information, the system will assign you a score based on how well you match the job the employer is trying to fill, and then rank and sort all candidates. Naturally, the potential employees with the highest scores move on, while others are left in the dust.

Wondering how you can optimize your resume and rank highly in the employer’s ATS? Here are several tricks to improving your resume’s score.

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A Simple Rule to Eliminate Useless Meetings

Ask your team to identify their biggest productivity killer and inevitably two issues will rise to the top of the list: managing their inboxes and their meeting schedules. I’ll tackle the former in a future post. For now, I’d like to focus on increasing the value of meetings by sharing a practice our team has implemented to great effect.

At LinkedIn, we have essentially eliminated the presentation. In lieu of that, we ask that materials that would typically have been presented during a meeting be sent out to participants at least 24 hours in advance so people can familiarize themselves with the content.

Bear in mind: Just because the material has been sent doesn’t mean it will be read. Taking a page out of Jeff Bezo’s book, we begin each meeting by providing attendees roughly 5-10 minutes to read through the deck. If people have already read it, this gives them an opportunity to refresh their memory, identify areas they’d like to go deeper on, or just catch up on email.

If the idea of kicking off a meeting with up to 10 minutes of silence strikes you as odd, you’re not alone. The first time I read about this practice it immediately conjured up images of a library or study hall, two of the last forums I would equate with meeting productivity. However, after the first few times you try it, not only won’t it be awkward — it will be welcome. This is particularly true when meetings end early with participants agreeing it was time well spent.

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