Stupid Things to Put in Your Cover Letter
Crafting a compelling, convincing cover letter is not easy. The pressure to the capture the reader’s attention without being annoying can be paralyzing. Concentrate on showing how you can contribute to the employer’s success while avoiding these mistakes.
Assertions That You Are the Ideal Canidate
Chandlee Bryan, Community Manager at StartWire, shares this advice:
Don’t ever say you are the ideal candidate for the job. Unless you’ve seen the applicant pool and you know the hiring values aside from the job description, you can’t assume you are the ideal candidate.
Here’s a tactic you can use instead: Restate primary qualifications of the job and show how your past experience and skill set fits “hand in glove” with the requirements. You ask for ____; I offer ___. Bullets work well for this. Including short, concrete examples of past achievements that are relevant for the job is another winning approach.
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