How To Get Yourself Out From Huge Information Overload

Freelancers, to be successful, should always be updated about what is happening in the world. This leads to hours of reading news and blogs with the occasional checking of e-mail and social networking websites.

Often, many freelancers tend to work for longer hours, habitually this may lead to mental fatigue. Mental fatigue means living your days at work like a zombie. You do not function, thinking becomes extremely hard, all you want to do is lie down and rest all day. Aside from the inside effects, physical performance is also affected greatly.

Remember the saying “what the mind conceives, the body achieves” ? As always let us first find out what causes information overload.

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30 Inherently Useful Tools for Freelancers

Being a freelancer can sometimes feel like a solo venture into the unknown, an exciting but nevertheless daunting prospect! We all have our particular strengths and individual weaknesses, but few of us would decline a little help with some of the more practical aspects of being a freelancer.

While not every tool on this list will be helpful for every freelancer, its overall aim is to provide you with resources that could help you significantly increase your productivity (do more…), get organized, work more efficiently, plan your to do items better, and maybe even save some money!

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Creating Productive Workspaces

I spent most of my professional life as a freelancer, working from virtually anywhere: at coffee shops, libraries, bars, porches, the outdoors and my home office. If the place had WiFi, I found a way to work there.

 The exploration of different “working environments” has always been a fascination of mine, and along the way I’ve picked up some best practices that small business owners can incorporate into their own working environments:

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4 Essentials for Reaching Out to Strangers on LinkedIn

Last week, I received an info interview request from a total stranger as a direct message on LinkedIn. And despite my very busy schedule, I decided to take his call. Over the weekend, I asked myself, “Why did I agree?”

Let’s take his e-mail apart and put it into 4 essential elements so you can use them in your own LinkedIn networking communications.

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Seattle Event Starts Tomorrow – Fiona Remley: Structure Your Projects and Process

2011 AIGA Business Breakfast Series

Wed / 02.23.11

7:30AM – 9:00AM

Heighten your project management skills and build stable business processes that support your creative work. Whether as a freelancer, project manager, or principal, take a detailed view into account management tactics covering specific areas such as:

  • Learning to think like a project manager
  •  Estimating and budgeting the project
  •  Moving from estimates to proposals
  •  Creating schedules

Led by Fiona Robertson Remley, who has built processes and managed projects at many Seattle agencies and companies, including Worktank, Big Fish Games, Martini Design, Methodologie, Nordstrom, and Microsoft.

 Get all the detials here! (via

Don’t Take Rejection Personally

It’s one thing to try to avoid getting emotional about business matters; it’s another to switch off your emotions entirely. We’re all human, and I’m convinced that being emotional is a gift to us from God. I can shout this out loud with full confidence: each one of us gets emotional sometimes and begins to perceive the world primarily with emotion.

Criticism—and rejection especially—can get even the toughest of individuals to react in unexpected ways. Even if someone can control their reaction, their psyche will likely run with it uncontrollably.

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9 Dynamic Digital Resumes That Stand Out From the Crowd

Everyone is looking for a way to make their resume stand out in today’s job market. One way to do that is by giving your resume some visual appeal. Well-designed resumes with color and images can attract attention over those with plain old text.

That’s not to say everyone should add pictures to their resume. A graphical layout might not be for everyone, nor appropriate for every profession and industry. And if you don’t have an artist’s eye (or a favor to call in to a graphic designer), attempting something like this might not work out to your advantage.

But if you know what you’re doing, and need a little inspiration, here are 10 digital resumes with some very cool visuals.

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Quote of the day

“The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”

~ Edwin H. Land

6 Tips For a Productive Synergy Call

In today’s business world, we’re regularly invited to participate in phone calls to discuss “synergies.”  Back in the day, this was called a networking call.  But the term networking has been declared so 1990’s and synergy appears to be the new, hip term of the moment.

As a small business owner, I’m all for synergy calls.  It’s great to meet people, put voices with emails/tweets/etc. and talk about ideas that could lead to future opportunities.  However, the resulting synergy is only as good as the initial phone call.  And since we don’t get the benefit of body language over the phone, it can sometimes be a challenge to create real synergy in a short phone call.

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Chicago Event Starts Tomorrow – TYPEFORCE 2, Co-Prosperity Sphere

February 18 – March 7, 2011, Opening Night: February 18th – 6pm – The Annual Showcase of Emerging Typographic Allstars

TYPEFORCE is the annual showcase of emerging typographic artists. The second annual event runs from February 18 through March 7, but don’t miss the opening night festivities this coming Friday, beginning at 6pm.

Typeforce 2 is sponsored by Firebelly Design, Public Media Institute and Graphic Arts Studio.

Get all the details here!

How to Get Past the Phone Screen, Every Time

With hundreds of applicants for each opening, the initial phone interview has become a crucial tool for professional recruiters. Expect a phone screen to be much shorter than an in-person meeting – 20 to 30 minutes at most – and to touch superficially on a large number of topics as rather than delving deeply into a few. Usually conducted by an HR or recruiting professional, it’s nearly guaranteed you’ll be asked these three key questions that are the pillars of every interview.

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70+ Fresh and Creative Single Page Website Designs

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. It’s kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.

In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs.

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HOW TO: Jump-Start Your Career by Becoming an Online Influencer

For all the advice about how to approach and attract influencers, I haven’t seen much written about how to actually become an influencer. It’s important, because once you’re seen as an influencer, you’re seen as an industry equal and a resource. You’re no longer perceived as a nuisance constantly broadcasting your own agenda, hoping others will relay.

Being an influencer yourself is an often overlooked way to engage with other influencers. It takes time, but it is worth it. There is also financial benefit to becoming an influencer. People of influence have increased value, and can charge more for their services.

Always wanted to be an influencer but didn’t know where to start? Here are some effective techniques.

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Quote of the Day

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.”

~Edgar Degas

7 Types of Power in the Workplace

There’s a quote by Margaret Thatcher that says, “Power is like being a lady…if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”  Personally, I find the study of power fascinating. defines power as “a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence”.  So in essence when we use power; we’re utilizing our authority to get something.

Everyone has powerEveryone.  And, I don’t believe that power is a bad thing.  The issue becomes what kind of power a person has and how someone uses that power.  Here are some of the common types of power found in the workplace.

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What is Copywriting and How is it Important for a Designer?

Copywriting refers to the use of written copy to promote a business or entity. The ultimate purpose of copywriting is to expand the client base of a business. Multinationals and businesses are now promoting themselves globally, with a worldwide audience at their disposal, which has led to an unprecedented rise in demand for copywriters. Advertising and marketing campaigns are increasingly web-based, further raising the demand for creative writers who can get the job done on a tight budget.

Copywriting has nothing to do with the legal term “copyrighting,” which refers ownership of intellectual property. In this article, we will explore copywriting from a designer’s point of view, with a focus on tips of the trade.

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Quote of the Day

You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.

~Oprah Winfrey

How to Quit Your Job with Your Contacts, Credentials, and Class Intact

Quitting a job and transitioning to a new one is a serious career move. Keep the bridge to your job open and operational with these quitting time tips.

Compared to any other transitional stage in your career, quitting time is the one filled with the most landmines. Unlike when you start working at a company, a time when you’re fresh and full of energy and new ideas, quitting time often comes when you’re burned out and ready to snap. Check out the following tips to make sure you leave your current job gracefully and impress your new employer in the process.

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9 Obvious Ways to Get Promoted

It would be safe to say you would have probably entertained the question of how to get promoted even before you graduated or left school. In my chats with juniors from my industry, I am often asked this question which I gladly answer. However, I sense they simply want short cuts to the next level.

These experiences pushed me to pen these 9 obvious but often not practiced tips on how to get promoted. Start internalizing these tips and make them part of your career management plan. Before you know it, you would have moved up to the next level.

Read the full article here! (via

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